5 Important Questions You Should Know
For many retirees, Social Security benefits form the foundation of their retirement income, considered a "reliable source" of income. In order to make sure you are maximizing your benefits, you should have a solid understanding of the complex program of Social Security benefits and how your payment can be a huge advantage in your retirement income for the purpose of tax savings, as well as a spouse potentially receiving a higher income in the future.
We have put together a brochure that can help answer the following questions for you:
What are your Social Security amounts?
When is the best time to start taking your Social Security benefit?
What are the options if you are married?
Does earning additional income while taking Social Security impact the value of your benefit?
Do you pay tax on Social Security benefits?
Our Advisor will cover any questions you may have...
Just a few of the questions we receive the most from our clients is, "when is my full retirement age?", and "how much will my benefit be if I start at age 62?" Our personalized Social Security Maximization Report will provide those answers for you, along with other key dates that you want to see benefit information for.
The chart below shows at what age you can start your "full benefits".

The chart below shows the reduction in your benefit by starting at 62, as well as your reduction in Spousal benefit starting at 62.

At Rise Financial Group we help our clients understand their Social Security benefits and educate them on how they potentially maximize their benefits. By delaying filing for Social Security, you can potentially increase your benefit amount by the rate of eight percent per year. For someone born in 1960 and starting benefits on their 62nd birthday, they are telling Uncle Sam they will accept 30% less benefits for the rest of their lives. Are their reasons for starting early, yes. Was it critical that you start at 62, maybe. Do you hate your job? Is your health declining? There are many questions to be answered and many programs we have that can bridge your income until starting.